Customer Testimonials

Ellen S. Tucker ,GA Midvale Cove.

Patricio and his team did extensive painting and repairs on our home we were getting ready to put on the market. They prepped and painted the interior and exterior, making repairs when needed. We had termite damage in the garage which required the removal of sheetrock, studs replaced then new sheetrock installed and painted. It looked brand new when the job was completed. Patricio was always professional and timely. We had moved and were not close by. Patricio was diligent in sending us emails to keep us abreast of the progress. We have recommended Patricio and his team to friends and neighbors and will continue to do so. We will not hesitate to use them again.
Ellen S. Tucker ,GA Midvale Cove.

Steve T. Atlanta GA At Grant Park.

Patrick was very friendly, professional, prompt, and easy to work with. Work was done on time, done well, and at fair pricing. I would definitely consider working with him again on home repair work in the future. Steve T. Atlanta GA At Grant Park.

Kevin D.L Atlanta. Monroe Dr NE.

I have used Patrick Painting 3 times and every time I have been very pleased with their work. Patrick is on time, professional, courteous, and is the best price for the top quality work he produces. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to paint the interior or exterior of their home. Kevin D.L Atlanta. Monroe Dr NE.

Barbara D. M. Tucker GA Midvale Rd.

I especially appreciated Patricio/Patrick’s highly responsive and skilled ways throughout the renovation of my patios and stairs, gutter replacement and exterior painting of my house. His professional suggestions and great patience in identifying paint colors to best accent my house, turned out wonderfully. I most highly recommend his work and Company. Barbara D. M. Tucker GA Midvale Rd.